
The (International) Noise Conspiracy is a garage rock band with punk rock influences, consisting of Dennis LyxzŽn (vocals), Inge Johansson (bass), Lars Stršmberg (guitar), and Ludwig Dahlberg (drums). Dennis formed T(I)NC almost immediately after the break up of his former band, Refused. The band wanted to achieve an ideal blend of music and politics that was, “a cross between Elvis Presley and Che Guevara.” According to the liner notes of their debut album, The First Conspiracy, the band wanted to combat music’s function as spectacle. [This is a concept taken from Guy Debord’s “The Society of the Spectacle.”]

There is much fanfare about the band’s Marxist ideology and position as communists, a label they in fact give themselves. However, they don’t belong to Stalinist or other traditional socialist positions and are politically opposed to hierarchy and the state. Much of their images, and writings reflect situationist, left communist, and anarchist political positions and influence


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