Remembering Mojo Nixon by Jello Biafra
First Wayne Kramer, now this!!
My dear Brother Wayne - gone.
Brother Mojo - gone.
It’s hard to say much right now, it’s all so doubly devastating.
My heart, respect and deepest love go out to his wife, sons, grandkids; and all my fellow Toadliquors (yes, I can say that), Wid, Wet Dawg, Earl and manager Bullethead.
And all of you out there whose life is that much better (and more fun!) from those lightning bolts from the man himself.
And don’t forget Skid.
Beneath all the Redneck Wildman veneer, the Mojo I knew was a real gentleman. Deep, loving and empathetic as it gets, a true son of Woody Guthrie.
This Rolling Stone article is actually pretty good.
There’s one thing they left out:
Mojo had THREE shows on Sirius/XM - Country Music, NASCAR and his talk show “Lying Cocksuckers”; they threw off the air for good after Trump seized power, out of fear of what he might do or say!
Now if you want, move on to my Renegade Roundtable podcast, for two hours of me and Mojo; where the stories do flow!
On Apple Podcasts:
On Spotify:
Here’s Ani’s recent video me and Mojo’s middle finger salute to our ‘pro-life’ (ha ha) Supreme Kangaroo Court, from the “Prairie Home Invasion” album we made together.
Or go straight to bass Toadliquor Earl B. Freedom’s excellent documentary film, where you’ll love this man like family, like never before. Now it can be streamed!
And finally, how’s this for a night out?
Phranc (“the Jewish Lesbian folk singer”)
Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper
7 Seconds
and the last show Dead Kennedys ever played at Freeborn Hall, UC Davis, CA
That’s where we met.
And who would have guessed that one of his biggest early inspirations was Joe Strummer.
Stay healthy me friends,