
Finally, New Jersey will be known for more than just turnpikes, the dumping ground for the Eastern Seaboard and big hair! A strong statement to be sure, but how many bands can say that MTV keeps stealing their band name for their programs?

Since their inception in 1990, Buzzkill have been crafting a totally unique, yet unclassifiable sound. With a seven-song CDEP on Antidote Records, one full length on Tee Pee Records (Tooth-n-Sole) and numerous compilation contributions, Buzzkill has honed their sound to its most stripped down and raw. It all started when a band, formerly known as Butthead, had to change their name in 1992 due to the increasing popularity of a certain MTV show. Mike, the band’s drummer, felt that people started coming to their shows thinking they were a joke or a novelty band. They decided on the new name, Buzzkill, after long and thoughtful band meetings, polling of friends and agonizing soul searching (not really, a friend came up with it and it sounded cool) Little did they know that MTV was doing the very same thing and as irony would have it, their new little program is entitled “Buzzkill.” The band assures us they will stand up to “The Man” and fight for what’s theirs!

Out now on Alternative Tentacles is Buzzkill‘s rockin’ debut full-lengthers, Up, which followed up their 1995 Meat Is Dinner single, and 2000’s House Of Bad Touch. They achieve what few bands can carry off without sounding like they’re struggling to find their niche. Their musical diversity has allowed them to play with a wide range of bands; from Buzzoven to Helmet7 Year Bitch to Barkmarket, from Teengenerate to Motorhead and Urge Overkill to the Mighty Mighty BosstonesBuzzkill even toured the East Coast portion of 1997’s Lollapalooza! In 2000 they released their second full=lengther for the label ; House Of Bad Touch.

What does the feature hold for our friends in Buzzkill? Well, after the 2 albums and a single for the label we are not quite sure. There are rumors that they have broken up yet they haven’t confirmed it with the label yet!


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