
RATOS DE PORÃO (“Basement Rats”) hail from São Paolo, Brazil, where they have been a cornerstone of the Punk/Hardcore community for almost twenty years. In 1983, RDP released one of the first South American HC albums, the explosive “Crucificados Pelo Sistema”. The band also maintains close ties to the region’s metal community, as suggested by their long-standing friendship with fellow countrymen SEPULTURA.

RDP’s music began to reflect this alliance after 1987, evolving into an early hybrid of HC and metal. They have over a dozen full-length releases to date, including several on Roadrunner Records, and have appeared on countless compilations. In the mid-eighties, as their records reached international ears, RDP started to tour overseas. They are thrilled to ignite any venue – from the smallest basement to the largest festival – with their raw, intense sound. They have appeared with a variety of bands including: SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, BIOHAZARD, THE VARUKERS, MADBALL, CRIPPLE BASTARDS, THERAPY?, THE CURE, EXTINCTION OF MANKIND, KORRUPT.

Alternative Tentacles recently released “Sistemados Pelo Crucifa”, a re-recording of the band’s seminal first album. RDP has seen numerous line-up changes since the original release; the new version captures the rare chemistry of the current members performing the band’s classic songs. This time around, the album benefits from the technical wizardry of engineer Billy Anderson (LOGICAL NONSENSE, MELVINS, NEUROSIS), who mixed their first AT release, Carniceria Tropical (1998). RDP’s Portuguese lyrics focus on day to day life in Brazil, spotlighting political and social issues. They present a positive outlook and speak of creating a better future, while tempering their optimism with a strong hint of dark humor. Both the Sistemados Pelo Crucifa and Carniceria Tropical are testimony to RDP’s enduring reign as HC champions!


Get the latest releases from RATOS DE PORÃO.
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