Git Some is a Rock band from Denver, Colorado.
Their live show is a testament to the catharsis that is Git Some. Emerging from underneath loud-as-FUCK blasts of noise, driving, angular punk rock thrusts the listener unexpectedly from all directions. A schizoid, heavily-bearded vocalist takes the reigns of the ever-accelerating, ever-destined to perish in flame rock n roll vehicle: guitar, bass and drums. Peals of feedback disseminate to relinquish a big beat: an intense rock, punk and/or hardcore sound that while completely their own, give the listener subtle clues as to their derivative roots.
Formed in Chicago in 2002, transplanted to Denver in 2004 Git Some wasted no time and self-released two e.p.’s, distributing over 5,000 of them across the US, Europe, and Japan while on tour in one of their other bands (Planes Mistaken For Stars). Since PMFS disbanded in 2007, Git Some have released a split 7″ and 2 full length records on the labels 1-2-3-4-GO! (Cosmic Rock, 2008) and Alternative Tentacles Records (Loose Control, 2010).
Lucius Fairchild – Voice
Charles E. French – Guitar
Neil Keener – Bass
Andrew Lindstrom – Drums