v452 - Death Hymn Number 9 - "3rd Degree Moon Burns"

v452 - Death Hymn Number 9 - "3rd Degree Moon Burns"

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Release Info


Title: 3rd Degree Moon Burns

Virus #: Virus-452



The legend of Death Hymn Number 9 began when a gutless Marvin Gaye abandoned his backing band during his first national tour at a run down Baton Rouge gas station. The band was penniless and homeless as they struggled to survive in the swampy heat. In a weak and vulnerable state, they were ambushed by a swarm of wretched zombies. Their half-alive bodies were left for dead and nobody knew what became of them until forty years later, when the band reemerged in Los Angeles after crawling their way across the country. Since their return, DHN9 have been regularly assaulting clubs around the Los Angeles area with their frenetic concoction of violent garage.
3rd Degree Moon Burns (virus 452) is the aural culmination of a band out of control. A spasmodic-bluesy record that surges so hard, the needle jumps out of the grooves. These undead have honed their murderous rumpus into a mania that is impossible to ignore. Imagine The Cramps wrestling Doo Rag in an electric-fence cage-match at the tail-end of a month-long crystal meth binge.
Ghastly and urgent, Death Hymn Number 9 sizzles with power while never abandoning their ghoulish garage roots - The kind of band that insists attention and delivers a din so pure rock & roll, it's dangerous. 3rd Degree Moon Burn has a biting sound that is refreshingly frightening and original. A no holds barred, tumbling mania bubbling into a perfect cacophony.

Track Listing