v472 - Jucifer - "District Of Dystopia"
Jucifer, founded in Georgia in 1993, are pioneers of the sludge / doom / death metal two-piece. For LP #7, Jucifer mounts a sonic assault chronicling the corruption and gross misuse of power in our nation's capitol.
Recorded in their RV during their never-ending tour of the planet, Districts of Dystopia offers nine of America's ugliest history lessons put to record! "Non Gratus Anus Rodentum" ("Not Worth a Rat's Ass" in Latin) is a sludgy, murky ode to the Tunnel Rats: US Army infantry soldiers who entered Viet Cong tunnel systems to kill enemy soldiers, oftentimes with just a bayonet, a .45, and a flashlight. "Decapitating the Regime" is all woozy riff and martial snare, tackling the reversal of the US's initial support for Saddam Hussein's regime over the course of both Gulf Wars-from the supply of weapons used in multiple horrific genocidal acts over the course of two decades to the eventual murder of thousands of Western military personnel by those same weapons.
Through all nine tracks, G. Amber Valentine's rasp and tar-thick guitars lay down a grimy, murky layer while her husband, Edgar Livengood, pounds aways at the drums. There's no flash, no tricks, just straight-up raw power that would make Eyehategod stand up and take notice. Unlike heavy duos that use loops, backing tracks or triggers to fill out their live sound, Jucifer relies on compositions designed to decimate with only real-time drums and distorted guitar. And for sonic reinforcement, their legendary wall of speakers has shaken venues across the planet for the last two decades, with no sign of them selling out, softening their sound, or slowing down their almost constant touring!
Never has Jucifer's conviction to their craft and passion about their beliefs been more evident then on District of Dystopia! This hippie slayer of a release gets the vinyl treatment it deserves!
Watch the music video for "Decapitating The Regime" from District of Dystopia
Metal Bandcamp" - "Feral energy...there are few who can blend chaos, doom, death metal, noise and pure unrestrained energy into 1:56 and not miss a beat"
Decibel - "...full-scale assault on the very institution of democracy... the duo's wall of amplifiers redirected towards grindcore instead of their usual filthy doom"
About Heavy Metal - "The first listen is overwhelming, the second one is demanding, and it goes on like that until the album becomes almost infectious, in a sinister manner"
Angry Metal Guy - "Unapologetic and disgusting, but also eye-opening and welcome... an ugly album for ugly subject matter"